Friday, 25 July 2014

Blooming Marvelous - Orchid

Recently my friend sent me this photo of her prolific Phaleanopsis and it got me thinking about the importance of feeding. A happy orchid like this shows how much difference a good orchid care routine makes when it comes to feeding our plant.

Orchid Feed

How Important is Feeding Your Orchid?
Feeding  your orchid is the difference between having just a average specimen and something like my friend´s above.
Although orchids tend to need less fertiliser than some other plants, they still need it to flourish. However you need to take care as too much can burn the roots.
Our main tips are:
1. Choose your fertiliser carefully. You want a high-quality balanced one that provides the tree major elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), as well as minor nutrients (calcium, iron, manganese, boron, copper, zinc and molybdenum).

2. Do not overfeed!  Synthetic orchid feed contains mineral salts which over time build up and can harm the plant. Another down side to overfeeding can be that your plant grows too quickly, becomes weak and thus more prone to disease.
3. During the growing season. As a lot of the species are dormant in the Winter, or slow down their growth it´s not so important to feed them during this time. It´s best to start again as the plant begins its fresh growth in the Spring.

We also offer our own specially formulated
Nourish Your OrchidOrchid Feed - Healthy Bloom Formula in 100ml     £1.99

We also offer the following Orchid feeds:

Orchid Focus Bloom 100ml Orchid Feed  £2.99
Orchid Focus Bloom 300ml Orchid Feed  £3.99

Orchid Focus Bloom 500ml Orchid Feed  £4.99

Orchid Focus Grow 100ml Orchid Feed    £2.99
Orchid Focus Grow 300ml Orchid Feed    £3.99
Orchid Focus Grow 500ml Orchid Feed    £4.99

Orchid Ultra 100ml Orchid Feed  £2.99
Orchid Ultra 300ml Orchid Feed  £3.99

Orchid Ultra 500ml Orchid Feed  £4.99

For additional info on the  orchid feed ingredients, please see our Orchid Focus - Bloom, Grow and Ultra Information page.