Repotting Your Orchid

The various types of orchids prefer different potting medias, so first of all make sure you have the correct one for your plant. If you are unsure which to use, see the article  “OrchidCompost - Which To Choose For Your Orchid”
If it´s the first time you´re repotting an orchid, don´t worry. They are tough plants, despite their reputation and repotting helps them thrive. This is mainly because their potting media can deteriorate and needs replacing with fresh media.
Don´t always assume your plant will need to be placed in a larger pot. This will depend on the root mass. Don´t forget that your orchid likes to feel the roots are a little tight in the pot. If you move your orchid to a pot that is too large, it will focus its energy on root growth rather than new foliage or growth.

Sure signs that it´s time to repot your orchid.
·       The potting media drains badly and is getting soggy
·       The roots overflow out of the pot
·       The plant itself goes over the edge of the pot

As a general rule Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis thrive when repotted annually. However Cattleya prefer every other year. Most people repot their Dendrobium every year, but they can also wait until the next year.

Once you have your potting mix, soak it overnight in a bucket of hot water (this will penetrate the material better than cold water). The following day, strain it through a colander and rinse thoroughly to get rid of whatever dust was in the mix.

Repotting OrchidNow to repotting! You will need some old newspaper on a work surface, a knife, scissors, a new orchid pot (if necessary), wooden or plastic stakes and soft ties or clips.

1.   Take the orchid out of its pot (using the knife to loosen the roots and circle the inside of the pot if needed).

2.   Take away the loose and old potting material, including any dead or damaged roots.

3.   If the roots are in poor condition and you have had to remove a lot, repot the orchid in a pot the same size or maybe even smaller. If they are firm and healthy and filling the pot, then use one size larger.

4.   Put the plant in the pot at the same depth as before

5.   Trickle or press the fresh potting medium into the pot and shake or tap it so that it falls around the roots. You want the orchid to be secure in the pot so that it doesn´t wobble, otherwise the new roots won´t form properly.

6.   Place your wooden or plastic stakes where needed and tie up with soft ties or clips.

  • Avoid repotting your orchid when it is in flower.
  • When possible, use new plant pots, but if not possible wash the old one out with boiling water to kill any pathogens.

We offer an Orchid Repotting Kit   £7.29
Our Orchid Repotting Kit contains:
  • 17 cm  or 15cm clear orchid pot and separate saucer - improved design to assist air flow and drainage.
  • Orchid Focus Repotting compost Mix – premium quality growing medium.
  • 100 ml bottle of Quality Orchid  Feed, to encourage the growth of healthy shoots and leaves and to improve flowering.
  • A selection of  2 decorative plant clips. colour may vary.
  • Comes with full instructions for repotting your prized orchid! 

Orchid Media
Everyone has their own hints and tips. Here are links to some You Tube Videos we found helpful.

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